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5 Examples of Organisms from the Kingdom Monera

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! In this article, I will review an interesting topic about the Kingdom Monera. This kingdom is one of five kingdoms in the biological classification that includes prokaryotic unicellular organisms.

These organisms are unique because they have no defined cell nuclei or cellular organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts. Another characteristic feature of the Kingdom Monera is its strong cell walls and various physical shapes, including circular, rodent, and spiral forms.

Table Of Contents

    Some exciting examples of Kingdom Monera organisms we will discuss in depth are Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Cyanobacteria, Thermus aquaticus, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Escherichia coli is a bacterium commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals.

    Meanwhile, Streptococcus pneumoniae is known to cause infections in the human respiratory tract. Cyanobacteria, with their photosynthesis capabilities, play an essential role in oxygen production and are used in the food and supplement industry.

    Thermus aquaticus bacteria live in hot water environments and play an essential role in the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology used to amplify DNA. This article will discuss further the understanding and examples of organisms of the Kingdom Monera fascinating.

    • The Monera Kingdom is one of the five kingdoms in the biological classification.
    • Generally speaking, organisms belonging to the Monera kingdom are bacteria with primitive cell structures.
    • Some examples of Moner kingdom organisms include Acetobacter xylinum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Acetobacter acetic, Clostridium tetani, and Bacillus thuringiensis.
    • These bacteria play crucial roles in several sectors, including the food and pharmaceutical industries.
    • Despite having a primitive cell structure, the bacteria from the Kingdom of Monera show excellent adaptability, enabling them to survive in diverse and often extreme environments.

    Definition of Kingdom Monera

    Examples of the Kingdom Monera
    Examples of Organisms from the Kingdom Monera

    The Kingdom of Monera is one of the five kingdoms in the biological classification developed by Carl Woese. This kingdom includes prokaryotic unicellular living creatures, which do not have a cell nucleus or membrane surrounding the nucleus, unlike eukaryotic organisms.

    Most organisms in the Kingdom of Monera have simple shapes, like circles or stems, and are so small in size that they can only be seen under a microscope.

    One characteristic feature of Monera organisms is the absence of nucleus membranes, with their DNA directly in the cytoplasm. Their reproduction occurs through a binary division, in which one cell divides into two identical offspring cells.

    Examples of Organisms from the Kingdom Monera

    The Monera kingdom plays a crucial role in all aspects of life, from food production and the pharmaceutical industry to agriculture.

    Understanding the properties and contributions of organisms in Monera is crucial to recognizing their value in the global ecosystem.

    This kingdom includes organisms like bacteria and cyanobacteria, vital in ecological balance and human health.

    Now, we are going to discuss five exciting examples of organisms from the Monera kingdom that deserve to be explored more deeply, namely Acetobacter xylinum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Acetovacterium acetic, Clostridium tetani, and Bacillus thuringiensis.

    1. Acetobacter xylinum Bacteria

    Acetobacter xylinum is an exciting organism from the Monera Kingdom. The uniqueness of this bacterium lies in its ability to produce cellulose in significant quantities. The cellulose these bacteria produce is used in various industrial applications, including paper and textile-based materials.

    In addition, Acetobacter xylinum also plays a role in making nata de coco, a popular snack in Indonesia. The fermentation process by these bacteria produces a gelatinous layer on the surface of the coconut sugar solution.

    2. Lactobacillus bulgaricus Bacteria

    Lactobacillus bulgaricus is another organism from the Monera Kingdom that is interesting to study. This bacterium is the lactic acid bacteria that plays a crucial role in fermenting milk into yoghurt.

    Lactobacillus bulgaricus collaborates with Streptococcus thermophilus to convert lactose into lactic acid, giving the yoghurt a characteristic acid taste. These bacteria also contribute to improved digestion and health of the human digestive tract.

    3. Acetobacter acetic Bacteria

    Acetobacter aceti is another prokaryotic organism from the Monera Kingdom that attracts attention. These bacteria have a unique ability to oxidize ethanol into acetic acid through the fermentation process.

    These bacteria are used to manufacture vinegar, where they convert alcohol into acetic acid, giving the taste of acid to the vinegar. In addition, Acetobacter aceti is also used in food and beverage industries to produce various products, including sauces and alcoholic beverages.

    4. Clostridium tetani bacteria

    Clostridium tetani is a pathogenic prokaryotic organism from the Monera Kingdom responsible for tetanus disease. These bacteria are known as binding anaerobes, which means they can only survive in an oxygen-free environment.

    Clostridium tetani produces highly potent neurotoxins, which can cause seizures and muscle stiffness in humans. Therefore, immunization against these bacteria is crucial to preventing tetanus.

    5. Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria

    Next, we will look closely at the bacterium Bacillus thiringiensis. This bacterium is famous for its ability to produce toxic protein crystals that are lethal to some kinds of pests.

    For this reason, Bacillus thuringiensis is often used as a biological insecticide in organic farming to control pest populations naturally.


    Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterium from the Monera Kingdom, produces a protein crystal-shaped poison that is lethal to some insect pests but safe for humans and other animals.

    This property makes it a precious instrument in organic farming, acting as a natural pesticide that effectively regulates pest populations without carrying environmental and health risks that are usually associated with chemical pesticides.

    In this article, we have explored the Kingdom of Monera and the unique characteristics of its organisms.

    We have also introduced five exciting examples of organisms from the Monera kingdom, namely the bacteria Acetobacter xylinum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Acetobacter acetic, Clostridium tetani, and Bacillus thuringiensis.

    The Monera kingdom and its organisms play vital roles in various aspects of life. From food production to the pharmaceutical industry to agriculture, the organic contribution of the Monera Kingdom cannot be ignored. Therefore, we must learn more about them and appreciate their role in the global ecosystem.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is Kingdom Monera?

    The Kingdom of Monera includes one of the five kingdoms in the biological classification of living creatures. This kingdom consists of microscopic unicellular organisms that do not have a defined cell nucleus or cell organelle.

    2. What are any examples of organisms from the Kingdom Monera?

    Examples of organisms in the Kingdom of Monera include bacteria, cyanobacteria, and archaea.

    3. What is the difference between bacteria and cyanobacteria?

    Cyanobacteria differ from other bacteria in their ability to carry out photosynthesis and produce oxygen, while bacteria generally do not have this ability.

    4. What is the vital role of the Kingdom Monera organism?

    Organisms in the Kingdom of Monera play vital roles in ecosystems, acting as decomposers, producers in the food chain, and parasites.

    5. How does the Kingdom Monera reproduce?

    Organisms in the Kingdom of Monera reproduce asexually through cell division. Besides, some bacteria can conjugate, exchanging genetic material between two bacterial cells.

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