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Social Change: Definition, Theory, Factors, Processes and Forms

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! Understanding social change is very important in our lives. Social change is a phenomenon that occurs in society and can affect various aspects of our lives, such as culture, economy, politics, and so forth.

In this article, I will discuss the definition of social change, theories that explain social change, factors causing social change, processes of social change, and forms of social change.

The definition of social change is a process in which the values, norms, and behaviours of a society change over time.

Table Of Contents

    Theories that explain social change include the evolution theory, functionalism theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism theory.

    Factors causing social change can come from within the society itself or from outside the society, such as technology, politics, the economy, and the environment.

    The processes of social change can occur quickly or slowly depending on the factors that influence them. Forms of social change can include innovation, modernization, globalization, and so forth.

    With a better understanding of social change, we can face it more wisely and take the right steps to face the existing challenges. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to study and understand social change in order to face it well and benefit from the change.

    • Social change is a change in society that involves changes in values, norms, and behaviours.
    • Theories of social change include evolution, conflict, functionalism, and cycle.
    • Factors causing social change include technology, environment, and government policy.
    • Processes of social change include diffusion, acculturation, assimilation, and accommodation.
    • Social change can occur gradually or suddenly and can have a positive or negative impact on society.

    Definition of Social Change

    Social Change
    Definition, Theory, Factors, Processes and Forms of Social Change

    Social change can be defined as changes in the structure, function, and values of society over time. There are two main types of social change, namely gradual change and rapid change. Gradual change occurs slowly and involves evolution from one state to another.

    An example is the shift in society's values from generation to generation. Meanwhile, rapid change occurs quickly and is often caused by external factors such as revolutions or natural disasters.

    Theories of Social Change

    To effectively understand social change, it is important to consider various theories that explain it, such as theories of evolution, functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

    Viewing social change from these various perspectives helps us understand how various factors, such as technology, politics, and culture, affect changes in our society.

    There are several theories that explain social change.

    1. Evaluation Theory

    One of them is the evaluation theory, which focuses on how individuals and groups in society evaluate social change. For example, when new technology is introduced, some people may see it as an opportunity for progress, while others may see it as a threat to their jobs.

    2. Conflict Theory

    Conflict theory is another theory that explains social change. This theory argues that social change occurs due to conflicts between groups with different interests. For example, when there is a change in political policy that benefits one group but disadvantages another, conflict can arise and cause social change.

    3. Functionalist Theory

    The functionalist theory is a theory that argues that social change occurs due to the need to maintain balance in society. For example, if there is a change in the economic structure, society must adapt in new ways to meet its basic needs.

    4. Cyclical Theory

    The cyclical theory is a theory that argues that social change occurs in a repeating cycle pattern of progress and decline. For example, in human history, we have seen periods of great progress followed by periods of decline or stagnation.

    Factors Causing Social Change

    Factors influencing social change include technology, politics, the economy, and the environment. For example, technological advancements such as the internet have revolutionized the way we communicate, ultimately affecting our social and cultural structures.

    There are several factors that can cause social change.

    • One is the economic factor. Changes in the economic structure can affect employment opportunities, income levels, and wealth distribution in society.
    • Technology factors also play an important role in social change. Technological advancements such as the internet and social media have changed the way we communicate, access information, and live our daily lives. Technological changes can also affect industries and create new job fields.
    • Political factors can also cause social change. Changes in political policy, government, or political systems can have a major impact on society. For example, changes in human rights laws or environmental policies can affect the values and norms adopted by society.
    • Cultural factors also play a role in social change. Cultural values, norms, and traditions can change over time due to interaction with other cultures or due to changes in society's views on certain issues. For example, society's views on gender and sexuality have undergone significant changes in recent decades.

    Processes of Social Change

    There are several processes involved in social change.

    1. Diffusion

    One of them is diffusion, which is the spread of ideas, technology, or culture from one group to another. For example, when society adopts new technology, such as mobile phones, the spread of this technology can affect the way they communicate and interact.

    2. Acculturation

    Acculturation is the process in which different groups influence each other and adopt aspects of each other's culture. For example, when two different ethnic groups live together in one area, they can influence each other in terms of language, food, or cultural traditions.

    3. Assimilation

    Assimilation is the process in which individuals or groups newly joining an existing society adopt the values, norms, and behaviours of that society. For example, when an immigrant moves to a new country, they may need to learn the language and adopt new customs to integrate into the local community.

    4. Accommodation

    Accommodation is the process in which individuals or groups try to adjust to social change without losing their own identity or values.

    For example, when there is a change in the education system that affects the way teachers teach, teachers can try to adjust their teaching methods without sacrificing the educational values they uphold.

    Forms of Social Change

    Social change can occur in various forms.

    • One of them is structural change, which involves changes in institutions and organizations in society. For example, changes in the political system or education system can have a major impact on how society functions.
    • Social change can also occur in the form of cultural change. Cultural values, norms, and traditions can change over time due to interaction with other cultures or due to changes in society's views on certain issues. For example, society's views on gender and sexuality have undergone significant changes in recent decades.
    • Technological change is also a significant form of social change. Technological advancements such as the internet, mobile phones, and transportation have changed the way we communicate, work, and live our daily lives. Technological changes can also create new job fields and affect industries as a whole.


    In this article, we have discussed the importance of understanding social change in our lives. Social change is a phenomenon that occurs in society and can affect various aspects of our lives.

    We have discussed the definition of social change, theories that explain social change, factors causing social change, processes of social change, and forms of social change.

    With a better understanding of social change, we can face it more wisely and take the right steps to face the challenges that exist. In a world that is changing rapidly, understanding social change is very important to ensure we can adapt and thrive well in an ever-changing society.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is social change?

    Social change is the change that occurs in society, whether in structure, values, norms, or behavior.

    2. What are the theories of social change?

    Some well-known theories of social change include the theories of evolution, functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

    3. What are the factors that influence social change?

    Factors influencing social change include technology, politics, economy, culture, and the environment.

    4. What is the process of social change?

    The process of social change includes innovation, diffusion, modernization, and revolution.

    5. What are the forms of social change?

    Forms of social change include small or incremental change, major or radical change, slow or evolutionary change, and rapid or revolutionary change.

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