Interesting Facts about star Signs - If we stand at night and look at the sky, we will see a "dome" decorated with millions or even billions of celestial objects, in good weather without clouds or fog. These celestial objects are divided into three major groups, namely: stars, solar systems, and nebulae.
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Stars are celestial objects that emit their own light and can be in the form of single stars, twin stars (binary), galaxies, and star signs. Star signs or constellation of stars are groups of stars that form a certain pattern and are located next to each other.
This article will discuss some amazing facts about star signs that we have ever or often seen at night. Here are some main facts about star signs!
Hydra is the largest constellation
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Interesting facts about star signs |
The longest and largest of the 88 star signs in the sky is the Hydra constellation. This star sign is located in the southern sky of Earth and is surrounded by 14 other star signs, namely Cancer, Canis Minor, Centaurus, Leo, Virgo, Corvus, Antlia, Crater, Sekstan, Piksis, Puppis, Lupus, and Monoseros.
The head of Hydra is located near Cancer and its tail is between Centaurus and Libra. This star sign also has 17 main stars, of which 13 have their own planets. Within the Hydra constellation there is also a large spiral galaxy, known as Messier 83 or the Southern Whirlpool Galaxy, which is 14.7 light years away from Earth.
Crux is the smallest constellation
Crux is the smallest of the 88 star signs, occupying only an area of 68 square degrees in the southern sky of the Earth. This star sign has five main stars, namely Acrux or Alpha Crucis, Mimosa (Beacrux) or Beta Crucis, Gacrux or Gamma Crucis, Delta Crucis, and Zeta Crucis.
Although it only has five main stars, one of the stars in the body of Crux has a planet orbiting it. Crux can be seen with the naked eye throughout the year from Australia and New Zealand, as the position of these two countries is adjacent to the position of Crux in the sky. If you want to see Crux clearly, you can do it in Australia or New Zealand.
Most of the constellation names are based on Greek mythology
Many of the 88 main star signs have names derived from Greek mythology, such as Pegasus, Hercules, Hydra, Andromeda, Perseus, and others. This is because research and observation of star signs began in ancient Greece, so when observing the shape or appearance of star signs, it is associated with legends and myths in Greek culture.
In ancient Greece, the number of star signs scattered in the sky was only 48 star signs, which were grouped by Aratus, a Greek philosopher in the book "Phaenomena".
However, the grouping was not fully understood by the Greeks because it was written in ancient Greek poetry. Ptolemy, a philosopher and mathematician, summarized the grouping four centuries later.
Orion was used by the ancestors of Indonesians as a timekeeper for farming
Orion is known as one of the star signs that is frequently used by humans as a direction indicator, including in Indonesia, where the Orion constellation is used by ancestors of the nation as a timekeeper for farming.
The ancestors of Indonesians, especially on the island of Java, used a complex counting pattern, called the "mangsa" counting, to determine the right planting and harvesting times by using the Orion constellation as a reference.
The ancestors of Indonesians used a counting method called "mangsa" that refers to the visibility or non-visibility of the Orion constellation, known by the name "Waluku" to determine the right time for farming.
By observing the arrival and departure of Waluku from the sky, the right time to start planting can be determined.
There are 22 constellations that begin with the letter C
Out of the 88 existing star signs, 22 of them have Latin names that begin with the letter C, such as Caelum, Camelopardus, Cancer, Canes Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capricorn, Carina, Cassiopeia, Centaurus, Cepheus, Cetus, Chamaeleon, Circinus, Columba, Coma Berenices, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, and Cygnus.
This shows that the majority of star sign naming begins with the letter C. Meanwhile, the letters "B" and "F" are the least used prefixes in star sign naming.
Some interesting facts about Latin names of star signs are that there are only two star signs that use names beginning with the letter B, namely Bootes and one star sign that uses names beginning with the letter F, namely Fornax.
In addition, there are no star signs named with prefixes "X", "Y", and "Z". This is an interesting fact that is not well known by many people. Alright, that's the end of today's discussion, I hope this article can provide information for you and thank you for reading.