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5 Nostradamus Predictions for 2023

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! On this occasion, we will discuss the Nostradamus predictions for the year 2023. As the first week of 2023 passes, the world has received various predictions from various sources. One of them comes from the French author, Nostradamus. Nostradamus's predictions are predictions made by a French author named Nostradamus who is quite famous.

Many people in the world know these predictions and even have their own fans. Nostradamus prediction fans believe that about 70% of the predictions have come true. Some predictions that are said to have occurred include the Covid-19 pandemic, Hitler's atrocities in World War 2, and landing on the moon.

Nostradamus also wrote predictions about the end of the world. In addition to predictions for 2023, he also wrote many other predictions, one of which is the COVID-19 pandemic. Before passing away in 1566, Nostradamus compiled some predictions about the world.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2023
Nostradamus Predictions for 2023

This is written in the book "Nostradamus" containing predictions made by Nostradamus before his death in 1566. The book contains many predictions that are believed by his supporters to have come true.

According to Nostradamus's predictions, 2023 will see difficulties in the Mars travel project and the outbreak of World War 3. Here is a summary of Nostradamus's predictions for 2023, as quoted from the Economic Times.

1. Disaster on Mars

According to Nostradamus's predictions in his first book, 2023 will witness a disaster on Mars. Meanwhile, it is known that Elon Musk will lead efforts to colonize Mars, and it is predicted that humans will land there in 2029. However, Nostradamus's predictions state that the project will experience setbacks and will fail, and a disaster will occur when humans attempt to colonize Mars in 2023.

2. World War III

Nostradamus's predictions also state that World War III will occur in 2023. According to Nostradamus's predictions, battles in Ukraine will lead to a larger conflict.

This also applies to the ongoing disputes between China and Taiwan that threaten the United States (US) to join in a nuclear war, thus becoming a factor behind World War III.

3. Global Warming

Nostradamus predicts that temperatures will rise and sea level increases will reach unexpected heights. This reminds us of the threat of climate change due to global warming in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nostradamus's next predictions mention that there will be another pandemic after COVID-19. Other natural disasters described in Nostradamus's book are extreme climate changes that cause global warming.

4. Emergence of a New Pope in Vatican

Nostradamus predicts that a new Pope will be elected to replace Francis next year. According to his predictions, Pope Francis will be the last actual Pope, and the Pope who replaces him will cause controversy.

5. Large-Scale Unrest in 2023

Nostradamus's next predictions that he predicts will occur in 2023, he notes in his book of predictions that there will be a rebellion between people with weak economies against the powerful, which will result in battles with bloodshed.

and also One of Nostradamus's predictions for 2023 in his book of predictions is about Cannibalism. He states that Cannibalism will emerge in 2023, caused by desperation to survive.

That's Nostradamus's predictions for 2023, I hope the information above is useful. If there is any mistake, please excuse me and thank you for reading. See you in the next article.

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