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Definition of Social Action According to Max Weber

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! In this article, I will discuss the definition of social action according to Max Weber. Social action is an action carried out by individuals or groups in the context of social relations.

This concept is fundamental in understanding the dynamics of society and interactions between individuals. Social action is one of the central concepts in sociology that must be well understood.

Table Of Contents

    Weber provides a deep understanding of social action, including its types, such as rational action, affective action, traditional action, and value action.

    In addition, Weber also emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective meaning of social actions carried out by individuals or groups. By understanding the concept of social action according to Weber, we can better understand how people interact and how patterns of social behavior are formed.

    • Max Weber is a famous sociologist who studied social action.
    • Social actions are actions performed by individuals or groups in social interactions.
    • According to Max Weber, there are four types of social action: value-oriented, goal-oriented, traditional, and affective.
    • Value-oriented actions are carried out because of the values held, while goal-oriented actions are carried out to achieve specific goals.
    • Social action is an integral part of human social life and affects the dynamics of society.

    What is Social Action?

    Definition of Social Action
    Definition of Social Action According to Max Weber

    Social action refers to the behavior of individuals or groups of people with a specific meaning or significance in the context of their society. It involves interactions between those individuals and the influence of the social norms in their environment.

    The importance of social action in society cannot be underestimated. Through social action, individuals interact and form complex social relationships. Social action is also a way for individuals to express their values, beliefs, and emotions.

    Introduction to Max Weber

    Max Weber was a German sociologist, economist, politician, and philosopher who lived between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is recognized as one of the founders of modern sociology, and his contributions to understanding capitalism, religion, and society are highly influential today.

    Max Weber was a famous sociologist from the 19th to early 20th centuries. He is recognized as one of the founders of modern sociology and has made many significant contributions to the field.

    In addition, he was also an influential German economist, politician, and philosopher. Weber had a solid educational background in law and economics, but his interest in the social sciences made him turn to sociology.

    One of his famous works is "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," in which he connects the development of capitalism to the values of Protestant ethics.

    Definition of Social Action According to Max Weber

    According to Max Weber, social action is human behavior with subjective meaning. He says that social action can be distinguished from non-social action because of understanding the meaning or purpose behind the behavior.

    Weber also identified four different types of social action: value-oriented action (Wertrational), goal-oriented action (Zweckrational), traditional action, and affective (emotional) action.

    Types of Social Action According to Max Weber

    The concept of social action introduced by Max Weber is one of the essential concepts in sociology that helps us understand how individuals interact in society. By understanding the four types of social action (value-oriented, goal-oriented, traditional, and affective), we can delve deeper into the motivations behind human behavior and how such behavior affects social dynamics.

    1. Value-Oriented Action (Wertrational)

    The first type is the Wertrational type or "value host." In this type, individuals aim to achieve specific goals based on personal or moral values. They aim to behave according to what they consider right or good.

    An example of this type is an environmental activist who protests against large companies to preserve nature and the environment.

    2. Goal-Oriented Action (Zweckrational)

    The second type is the Zweckrational type or "goal host." In this type, individuals aim to achieve specific goals most efficiently and rationally. They use logical considerations and analytical calculations in making decisions.

    An example of this type is an entrepreneur who carefully plans his business strategy to achieve maximum profits.

    3. Traditional Action

    The third type is traditional action, where individuals act based on social norms that have existed for generations. They take these actions because previous generations have always done that without rational consideration.

    An example of this type is the celebration of religious holidays, which people carry out because it has been a tradition for generations in their group.

    4. Affective Action (Emotional)

    The last type is affective or emotional action, where individuals act based on their emotions and feelings at the time. There are no rational considerations or moral values underlying the behavior.

    An example of this type is when someone gets angry and performs impulsive actions such as breaking things around them.


    One of Max Weber's famous works is "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," in which he connects the development of capitalism to the values of the Protestant ethic. This work shows how Weber combined economic analysis, religion, and society in his thinking.

    This article discusses Max Weber's social action and the four main types of social action. Social action is the behavior of individuals influenced by social interactions and has a specific purpose.

    We can understand why individuals act according to specific values, norms, or emotions through a deeper understanding of social action. With a better understanding of social action, we can analyze and understand various social phenomena that occur in society.

    Therefore, understanding social action is essential in understanding the dynamics of society and helps us make the right decisions in interacting with others.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is Social Action?

    Social actions are actions taken by individuals or groups in society that aim to influence or interact with others.

    2. Who is Max Weber?

    Max Weber was a German sociologist and philosopher who lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries. He is known as one of the crucial figures in modern sociology.

    3. What is the definition of Social Action according to Max Weber?

    According to Max Weber, social action is carried out by individuals or groups with subjective meaning or specific goals to achieve.

    4. What is subjective meaning in Social Action according to Max Weber?

    Subjective meaning in social action, according to Max Weber, is the meaning given by individuals or groups to the actions taken, which can vary from one individual or group to another.

    5. According to Max Weber, What does purpose mean in Social Action?

    According to Max Weber, the goal in social action is the result that individuals or groups want to achieve through the actions taken. These goals can be economic, political, or social.

    6. What are the types of Social Action according to Max Weber?

    According to Max Weber, there are four types of social action: rational, affective, traditional, and value.

    7. What is meant by rational social action?

    Rational social action is taken with sensible or logical considerations to achieve effective and efficient results.

    8. What is effective social action?

    Affective social action is based on emotions or feelings without mature, rational consideration.

    9. What is meant by traditional Social Action?

    Traditional social action is an action that is carried out because of a long-standing habit or tradition in society.

    10. What is the value of social action?

    Value social action is an action that is carried out based on the values or norms that apply in society.

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