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10 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence dan Pembahasannya

Edukasistan.com - Setelah Sebelumnya kita sudah bahas tentang Conditional Sentence dimulai dari type 1,type2, sampai type 3. sekarang saatnya untuk menguji kemampuan kamu dalam Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence agar kamu tau kemampuan kamu sudah sampai dimana.

Note !!!
Soal Conditional Sentence
Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence

Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence (Part 1)

1. If were not for your education, you ...... such a good position.
  1. Will not have
  2. Have not had
  3. Did not have
  4. Would not have;
2. Had I realized that Tim was a bad driver, I ...... My car.
  1. Would not lend him
  2. Did not lend him
  3. Had not lend him
  4. Would not have lend him
3. If I work harder, I ...... My paper in due time.
  1. Will finish
  2. Would finish
  3. Has finished
  4. Will be finishing
4. If I had worked harder, I ...... my exam.
  1. Would have pass
  2. Would had passed
  3. Would have passed
  4. Would has passed
5. If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept thescholarship,......
  1. She would have graduated from famous university.
  2. She will graduate from famous university.
  3. She graduates from famous university.
  4. She graduated from famous university.
6. Had the company not raised bambang's salary, he ...... for another job.
  1. Would have looked
  2. Will look
  3. Has looked
  4. Would have look
7. If all the students pass their final examination, the teacher ...... aparty for them at this house.
  1. Will gived
  2. Would have give
  3. Will give
  4. Were gived
8. They ....... their bag if they had left it in the hotel.
  1. Would have loss
  2. Would had lost
  3. Would have lost
  4. Would has lost
9. I will visit your hometown, ......
  1. If I come to Indonesia.
  2. If I came to Indonesia
  3. If I will come to indonesia
  4. If I would come to Indonesia
10. If I were you, ......
  1. I will buy that limited edition camera.
  2. I would buy that limited edition camera.
  3. I would have bought that limited edition camera.
  4. I would have been buying that limited edition camera.

" Tidak seorangpun yang dapat kembali kemasa lalu dan memulai lagi dari awal untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya, tetapi semua orang bisa memulai hari ini dan membuat akhir yang indah "
~ Maria Robinson ~
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