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Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 7

Edukasistan.com - Hallo semuannya! pada kesempatan ini kita tidak membahas materi-ya, tetapi aku akan memberikan Latihan Soal Grammar Part 6 beserta dengan pembahasannya. Seperti yang kalian tau, saat kita mempelajari Grammar bahasa inggris, Latihan soal merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk mempelancar kamu dalam belajar.

Selain itu juga, untuk kamu yang telah lulus dari sekolah ataupun kuliah tetapi belum bisa menggunakan bahasa inggris, Kamu telah menemukan Website yang tepat. Karena disini aku akan memberikan Materi, Latihan Soal, dan Quiz Grammar secara gratis yang bisa kamu akses dimenu navigasi.

latihan soal grammar
Latihan Soal Grammar Part 7

Oke balik lagi ketopik pembicaraan, pada kesempatan kali ini. kakak akan memberikan Latihan Soal bahasa inggris beserta dengan pembahasannya yang mudah untuk kalian pahami. Tanpa banyak basa-basi, berikut ini Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris dan pembahasannya.

Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Note !!!

  • Untuk Materi Grammar Terlengkap Bisa Lihat Disini
  • Untuk Soal Quiz Grammar bisa lihat Disini

1. If you drop the egg from the third floor, it ... to pieces.
  1. shatter
  2. will shatter
  3. shattered
  4. would shatter
Jawaban : B. will shatter
Menggunakan rumus Conditional sentence type 1 maka jawabannya Will shatter. untuk Materi Lengkapnya kamu bisa lihat disini

2. The rebels ... for eleven hours for interrogation about the attack
  1. had detained
  2. detained
  3. have been detained
  4. were being detained
Jawaban : C. have been detained
The rebels have been detained for eleven hours berarti para pemberontak telah ditahan selama 11 jam (passive form). Mengunakan rumus present tense. Untuk materi lengkapnya, bisa kalian lihat disini

3. If you put a wet towel directly under the sun, it ... momentarily.
  1. will dry
  2. will dries
  3. dry
  4. dried
Jawaban : A. will dry
Hanya pilihan A yang mungkin dipakai. Verb yang mengikuti kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal harus berbentuk + s/es. Will harus diikuti kata kerja asli (infinitive). Pilihan D tidak mungkin karena pengandaian type I selalu dalam bentuk present. Untuk materi lengkapnya, bisa kamu lihat disini

4. Mariah Carey, accompanied by other judges, … deliberating to decide the winner of American Idol now.
  1. are
  2. is
  3. were
  4. was
Jawaban : B. is
Kalimat dibuat dalam bentuk present sesuai dengan keterangan “now”. Subjek pengganti berbentuk tunggal, yaitu Mariah Carey, frase “accompanied by other judges” merupakan keterangan tambahan dalam kalimat. Untuk materi lengkapnya, silakan lihat disini

5. Neither Febrian nor Tony ... now; however, they are playing in the garden.
  1. is studying
  2. are studying
  3. were studying
  4. was studying
Jawaban : C. were studying
Ada kata kunci neither..... nor.... maka jawabannya were studying. Untuk materi lengkapnya silakan lihat disini

6. It is presumed that rules governing the sharning of food influence ... that the earliest cultures evolved.
  1. that the way
  2. is the way
  3. the way
  4. which way
Jawaban : C. the way
Kalimat mempunyai subjek dan verb.

7. According to wave theory, ... population of the Americas may have been the result of a number of separate migrations.
  1. the
  2. their
  3. that
  4. whose
Jawaban : C. that
Adjective clause mengubah noun pada main clause that the earliest cultures evolved mengubah the way. untuk materi lengkapnya, bisa kamu lihat disini

Reading 2 for question number 8-10

If you’ve ever traveled abroad, you may have felt out of your depth when you first arrived. The people around you may have looked, spoken, and acted in a very different way than in your home country. Some people take days or even weeks to get over the initial culture shock. Others seem to quickly adapt to this new situation. They talk to the locals with ease, even if they don’t fully understand everything around them. This ability to interact well with people from different cultures or backgrounds is called intercultural competence.

With the spread of globalization, this has become more important for businesses and organizations that are growing into overseas markets. Companies that fail to understand the beliefs, language, and habits of people in other countries may end up embarrassing themselves or unintentionally offending their customers. A good example of this is Pepsi’s initial marketing blunder when it first entered the Chinese market. Pepsi decided to use a Chinese slogan for its soft drink. This was supposed to say, “Pepsi – Brings you back to life”. Unfortunately, the translators at Pepsi didn’t appreciate the subtle differences in the exact meaning of the words they chose. The new slogan actually translated as “Pepsi – Brings your dead ancestors back from the grave”. This shows how companies need to be careful with language.

Intercultural competence is also vital for an international company’s employees to work together. Employees on a team are often separated not only by vast distances but also different cultural beliefs. For this reason, every employee on the team needs to be interculturally competent in order to successfully achieve a common goal. Everyone needs to be sensitive towards different communication and work styles. For example, some employees in certain cultures can handle direct criticism better than others. Employees from some cultural backgrounds will feel more comfortable taking the initiative when unexpected problems occur. Others would be more likely to consult a manager before trying to resolve these issues by themselves. Managers might find it challenging to make a team from different cultures work well together. It takes a patient and skilled person to do this job. As a result, international companies tend to promote those who show an ability and willingness to be open-minded towards employees from other cultures.

8. According to the article, what is intercultural competence?
  1. the ability to communicate well with your friends and family.
  2. the ability to disconnect from people from different cultures or backgrounds.
  3. the ability to communicate well with people from different cultures or backgrounds.
  4. the ability to teach people from different cultures or backgrounds about your own culture.
Jawaban : C. the ability to communicate well with people from different cultures or backgrounds.
Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate well with people from different cultures or backgrounds.Intercultural competence berdasarkan bacaan berarti kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi terlepas dari perbedaan budaya dan latar belakang

9. A good title for this passage would be ...
  1. The Importance of Cultural Understanding in Business.
  2. Pepsi's Struggle to Expand into the Chinese Marketplace.
  3. How People from Different Cultures Can Work Together.
  4. The Pros and Cons of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace.
Jawaban : A. The Importance of Cultural Understanding in Business.
The best title for this passage is The Importance of Cultural Understanding in Business. Topik bacaan membahas tentang pentingnya pemahaman budaya di dalam bisnis.

10. The word 'sensitive' in line 19 can be replaced with ….
  1. fragile
  2. secretive
  3. defensive
  4. appreciative
Jawaban : D. appreciative
The word 'sensitive' in line 19 can be replaced withappreciative. Sensitive dan appreciative sama-sama berarti peka

Nah seperti itu lah 10 Latihan Soal Grammar beserta Pembahasannya, buat kamu yang pingin mempelajari Materi lainnya seperti SBMPTN (Soshum atau Saintek), CPNS, PKN STAN. Silakan klik di menu navigasi ya disitu telah aku bikin materinya.

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