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Definition of Personality According to Experts

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! Understanding personality is very important in daily life. Personality influences the way we behave, interact with others, and shape our attitudes towards the world around us. This article discusses the general understanding of personality, as well as the views of experts on personality.

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    Additionally, it covers the theories developed by M.A.W Brower, Koentjaraningrat, Theodore R. Newcomb, Charles R Wright, and Charlotte Buhler. According to experts, personality is a consistent pattern of behavior in a person that includes aspects such as emotions, thoughts, and actions.

    Personality can be divided into several types such as extrovert and introvert, optimist and pessimist, and various other personality types. With a deep understanding of personality from various expert perspectives, we can better understand ourselves and others. This can help us interact better with others and build healthy relationships with them.

    • Personality is the unique characteristic possessed by each individual.
    • According to M.A.W Brower, personality is formed from genetic factors and the environment.
    • Koentjaraningrat says that personality is influenced by culture and values adopted by individuals.
    • Theodore R. Newcomb argues that personality is formed from social interaction and life experiences.
    • Charles R Wright and Charlotte Buhler emphasize that personality is formed from individual development throughout their lifetime.

    Definition of Personality in General

    Definition of Personality
    Definition of Personality According to Experts

    Personality can be defined as the consistent pattern of behavior, thoughts, and emotions of a person. The main components of personality include temperament, genetic characteristics, life experiences, and the social environment.

    Temperament is a person's innate tendency to respond to certain situations. Genetic characteristics also play an important role in shaping a person's personality. In addition, life experiences and social environment also contribute to shaping a person's personality.

    The importance of personality in shaping behavior and attitudes cannot be ignored. A strong personality can help a person be more confident, have good relationships with others, and achieve success in various aspects of life.

    However, an unhealthy or unbalanced personality can cause problems in interpersonal relationships and mental well-being. Therefore, understanding personality is an important first step in self-development and reaching our full potential.

    Definition of Personality According to Experts

    Experts have different views related to personality. Some focus on biological and genetic aspects, while others emphasize the influence of the social environment in shaping a person's personality. There are also experts who view personality from cultural or social psychology perspectives.

    These views provide diverse insights into the complexity of human personality. Here are some theories and concepts developed by the experts:

    1. M.A.W Brower

    Fast Fact: According to M.A.W Brower, personality develops from an individual's interaction with their environment. There are three stages of personality development namely childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Each stage has certain developmental tasks.

    M.A.W Brower is a famous psychologist who developed a theory about personality development. He believes that personality develops along with an individual's interaction with their environment. According to Brower, there are three stages of personality development: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

    Each stage has developmental tasks that individuals must complete to achieve a healthy personality. The strength of Brower's theory is its emphasis on the importance of individual interaction with the environment in forming personality.

    This theory also provides a comprehensive view of personality development from childhood to adulthood. However, the weakness of this theory is the lack of emphasis on genetic and biological factors in forming a person's personality.

    2. Koentjaraningrat

    Koentjaraningrat is a famous anthropologist who provides a cultural perspective in understanding personality. He believes that culture plays a significant role in shaping a person's personality. According to Koentjaraningrat, values, norms, and cultural traditions influence how individuals think, feel, and act.

    Koentjaraningrat's view of personality is very relevant in today's multicultural society. In an increasingly connected world, we often interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. Understanding cultural differences and how they affect a person's personality can help us communicate and interact more effectively.

    3. Theodore R. Newcomb

    Theodore R. Newcomb is a social psychologist who emphasizes the importance of social factors in shaping a person's personality. He believes that individuals are influenced by the norms and values of the social groups in which they are. According to Newcomb, a person's personality can change along with changes in their social environment.

    Newcomb's theory has significant implications in group dynamics and social influence. Understanding how group norms and values affect a person's personality can help us understand group dynamics and manage conflicts between individuals.

    4. Charles R Wright

    Charles R Wright is a psychologist who developed a theory about personality traits. According to Wright, a person's personality can be explained through a series of consistent and observable traits. He identified several dimensions of personality, such as extroversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

    Wright's theory provides a clear framework for understanding a person's personality. However, the criticism of this theory is the lack of emphasis on environmental factors and life experiences in shaping a person's personality.

    5. Charlotte Buhler

    Charlotte Buhler is a humanistic psychologist who provides a more holistic view of human personality. She believes that a person's personality is not only influenced by biological and environmental factors but also by personal desires and values.

    Buhler emphasizes the importance of self-understanding and personal growth in achieving a healthy personality. Buhler's view of personality has significance in promoting self-awareness and personal growth.

    In a busy and connected world, we often forget to pay attention to ourselves and develop our full potential. Understanding personal values and appreciating our own desires can help us achieve a more meaningful life.


    To develop an understanding of personality, it is important to consider views from experts. For example, M.A.W Brower's theory regarding individual interaction with the environment, or Koentjaraningrat's view on the influence of culture. Recognizing these theories helps us understand the role of genetics, environment, and culture in shaping personality.

    In this article, we have discussed the general understanding of personality, as well as the views of experts on personality. From the theories developed by M.A.W Brower, Koentjaraningrat, Theodore R. Newcomb, Charles R Wright, and Charlotte Buhler, we can see the complexity and diversity of human personality.

    Understanding personality from these various perspectives provides deeper insights into ourselves and others. With a better understanding of personality, we can improve interpersonal relationships, manage conflicts more effectively, and achieve better personal growth.

    I invite you to explore and reflect on your own traits and behavior. By understanding our own personality, we can recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and develop ourselves into the best version of ourselves.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What is personality?

    Personality is the unique characteristic of a person that includes patterns of thinking, behavior, and emotions.

    2. Who are the experts who discuss personality?

    Some experts who discuss personality include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell, and Hans Eysenck.

    3. What is the definition of personality according to Sigmund Freud?

    According to Sigmund Freud, personality consists of three structures namely id, ego, and superego. Id is the part of the personality that contains primitive drives, ego is the part that functions to balance between id and reality, while superego is the part that contains moral and ethical values.

    4. What is the definition of personality according to Carl Jung?

    According to Carl Jung, personality consists of three aspects namely ego, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious. Ego is the part of the personality that is self-aware, personal unconscious is the part that contains personal experiences that are not conscious, while collective unconscious is the part that contains collective human experiences.

    5. What is the definition of personality according to Alfred Adler?

    According to Alfred Adler, personality is formed from feelings of inferiority and the drive to achieve superiority. Adler also introduced the concept of lifestyle which is a typical pattern of behavior of a person.

    6. What is the definition of personality according to Gordon Allport?

    According to Gordon Allport, personality is a structure that consists of three levels namely trait, personal disposition, and cardinal disposition. Trait are common personality characteristics, personal disposition are distinctive characteristics of a person, while cardinal disposition are very distinctive and dominant characteristics of a person.

    7. What is the definition of personality according to Raymond Cattell?

    According to Raymond Cattell, personality consists of 16 factors that can be measured through a personality test. These factors include intelligence, emotional stability, dominance, and sensitivity to others.

    8. What is the definition of personality according to Hans Eysenck?

    According to Hans Eysenck, personality consists of three dimensions namely neuroticism, extroversion, and psychoticism. Neuroticism is the level of anxiety and emotional instability, extroversion is the level of activity and courage in interacting with others, while psychoticism is the level of non-compliance with social norms.

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