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Examples of Social Norms in Society

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! Social norms are fundamental rules in community life. Social norms govern behaviour and interactions between individuals within a group or society. Social norms are necessary for community life to be chaotic and disordered.

Several types of social norms must be understood, namely folkways, mores, taboos, and law. Following these social norms is essential to maintain social order and harmony.

Table Of Contents

    Community life will be more orderly and peaceful if everyone follows these norms. Therefore, we need to understand and respect the social norms that exist in our society.

    Social norms are an essential part of community life. Social norms govern behaviour and interactions between individuals in a group or society. Social norms are necessary for community life to be chaotic and disordered.

    This article will discuss various social norms, namely folkways, mores, taboos, and laws. I will explain the definitions of each social norm, provide real-life examples, and explain the importance of following these norms in maintaining social order.

    • Social norms are rules that govern human behaviour in society.
    • Folkways norms are social norms related to everyday habits.
    • Mores norms are social norms related to morals and ethics.
    • Taboos norms are social norms that are strictly forbidden and considered taboo.
    • Laws norms are social norms regulated by law and applicable to everyone.

    Definition of Social Norms

    Examples of Social Norms
    Examples of Social Norms in Society

    Social norms govern behaviour and interactions between individuals in a group or society. Social norms form the basis for actions accepted by society and help maintain social order.

    Social norms are necessary for community life to be chaotic and disordered. Social norms are influential in shaping individual behaviour and maintaining social harmony.

    When we follow social norms, we show respect to others and ensure that we live in mutual agreement. Social norms also help us understand what is expected of us in various situations and help us adapt to our social environment.

    Examples of Social Norms in Society

    Important: Social norms are essential rules regulating behaviour and interactions between individuals. These social norms are fundamental to prevent conflict and chaos in community life. These norms include folkways, mores, taboos, and laws, each of which has a unique role in maintaining order and social harmony.

    1. Folkways Norms

    Folkways norms are rules that govern everyday behaviour in society. These norms relate to habits and manners considered polite in daily life. Examples of folkways norms include greeting people when meeting, wearing appropriate clothing for events or places, and respecting the privacy of others.

    I remember once when I visited a small village in the countryside. Locals told me that a highly respected folkways norm in that village was to greet everyone we met on the street.

    At first, I felt somewhat awkward because I was unfamiliar with this norm. However, after a few days of staying in the village, I realized how vital these folkway norms are in creating a sense of closeness and togetherness among the villagers.

    2. Mores Norms

    Mores norms are rules related to morals and ethics in society. These norms are stronger and stricter than folkways norms. Mores norms influence moral values and ethical behaviour in society.

    Examples of mores norms include prohibitions against stealing, lying, or committing violence against others.

    I once experienced a situation where I saw someone stealing in a store. Even though I did not know the person, I felt compelled to report the incident to the store owner.

    Reporting the action was the right thing to do and by mores norms that value honesty and justice. Through this action, I realized how vital norms shape society's moral values and ethical behaviour.

    3. Taboo Norms

    Taboo norms prohibit or forbid certain behaviours in a culture or society. These norms often relate to things considered taboo or inappropriate in a culture.

    Examples of taboo norms include prohibitions against saying dirty words, insulting elders, or touching sacred objects. I once visited a country where a highly respected taboo norm was the prohibition against touching someone's head.

    Initially, I was unaware of this norm and accidentally touched a child's head. I quickly realized my mistake when I saw the reaction of the child's parents.

    They were furious and explained to me that touching someone's head is considered extremely rude in their culture. This experience taught me the importance of respecting taboo norms in different cultures.

    4. Law Norms

    Law norms are rules the government sets and have legal sanctions if violated. Law norms aim to maintain social order, protect individual rights, and provide justice in society.

    Examples of law norms include prohibitions against murder, theft, or fraud. Law norms are essential in maintaining social order and providing justice for all individuals.

    When we follow law norms, we respect the law system and ensure that we live in a fair and orderly society.


    Social norms are essential in maintaining order and harmony in society and shaping individual behaviour and values. These norms teach us what is expected of us in various situations and how to adapt to our social environment. Following social norms shows respect for others and ensures living in mutual agreement.

    Social norms are influential in shaping individual behaviour and maintaining social order. In this article, we have discussed various types of social norms, namely folkways, mores, taboos, and laws.

    Each type of norm has a different role and significance in shaping behaviour and values in society. We need to respect and follow these social norms for the common good.

    Following social norms can maintain social harmony, build strong moral values, respect different cultures, and maintain order and justice in society. Let us all commit to respecting and following social norms for the progress and welfare of all.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What are Social Norms?

    Social norms are rules or customs that prevail in a society and regulate the behavior of individuals or groups in social interactions.

    2. What are the types of Social Norms?

    Types of social norms include religious norms, legal norms, manners norms, customary norms, and safety norms.

    3. How are Social Norms formed?

    Social norms are formed through the socialization process that occurs in families, schools, and society. This process involves learning the values, norms, and customs that prevail in society.

    4. What is the impact of violating Social Norms?

    Violating social norms can lead to social conflict, a decline in society's quality of life, and damage to social order.

    5. How do you avoid violating Social Norms?

    The way to avoid violating social norms is by understanding and respecting the norms that prevail in society and following the established customs. In addition, it is also essential to pay attention to ethics and manners when interacting with others.

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